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Modifications by sja, 14/9/98: the following commands have been removed since
their functionality is duplicated elsewhere. This makes version 1.22.
FINDBLOCK FINDSEL "to buffer" ZapText
(Note that I haven't removed the code, just the references in the command
table. HelpData and External files have been updated accordingly.)
- sja, dj@zap.tartarus.org
ZapDWExt - an extension to Zap, (c) 1994-97 Daniel Wagenaar
This text describes version 1.21
ZapDWExt does not provide any new modes.
ZapDWExt provides one *command: *Zap_Command. This command takes a filename
and a colon-separated list of Zap commands for arguments. The file will be
opened if necessary, the cursor will jump into it, and the commands will be
It supports the following Zap commands:
BLOCKID Blocks the identifier under the cursor. An
identifier is as defined by ANSI C, ie it starts with
a letter, and may contain numbers, letters, and the
FIRSTBLOCK Finds the first occurrence in the file of the marked
DEFBLOCK Finds ‘.<block>’ or ‘DEF<block>’ for BASIC or
‘<block>(’ for C.
FINDBLOCK Open a throwback window containing all occurrences of the
marked block.
FINDID First do BLOCKID, then, if the mode is Basic, or the
mode is C and the first char after the block is '(',
do DEFBLOCK, else do FIRSTBLOCK. In this way, function
definitions may be found, and the first occurrence of a
variable may be found in C mode.
TLDBFILE Finds the current selection as a top level definition in the
current file: in header files (in dir 'h.') function
declarations are found, in source files (in dir 'c.') only
definitions are found.
TLDBDIR As TLDBFILE, but also searches parent directory.
If the directory is 'c.', 'h.' is searched as well.
If the directory is 's.', 'c.' and 'h.' are searched instead.
This command will often be used in the sequence
(In later version, absence of a selection may trigger prompt.)
(There is no automatic conversion between C++ file-directories
and their header-directories.)
TLDBHEAD As TLDBDIR, but also searches through #includes.
This works for C only, but will, on demand, be extended to
assembly in a later version.
BLOCKSTAR Do ‘*TaskWindow "<block>" -quit’, where <block> is the
selected area.
STARCOM Does ‘*TaskWindow "<arg>" -quit’. <arg> may be
included in the Keys file, or typed in a mini-buffer.
CC Compiles a C program using ‘STARCOM "cc <filename>"’.
It opens a minibuffer in which the command line
options may be specified. The default options are read
from and written to the system variable Zap$CCOptions.
As explained below, a default value may be assigned in
Zap's !Run file. A sensible default could be:
‘-IC: -throwback -Lc:o.stubs,c:o.risc_oslib -Desktop ^’
MAKE Makes a project using ‘STARCOM "prefix <dirname> |M amu -f
<leafname>"’. Additional command line options may be
specified via the minibuffer. Default options are read
from and written to the system variable Zap$AmuOptions.
ANYCOMPILE Does ‘MAKE’ or ‘CC’, whichever is appropriate: for project
files do MAKE; for C files do CC, unless the string
'Makefile: <name> [<target>]' occurs near the start of the
text. In that case, MAKE is done, but no options are asked.
If a line of the form:
xxx +-+ <command> +-+ xxx
xxx +-+ <command>
is found, then the command is executed instead of any
default action. In the command, the sequences %f, %l, %d
may be used to represent, respectively, the full filename,
the leafname, or the parent directory name of the file.
/* +-+ cc -IC: -Lc:o.stubs -throwback -Desktop ^ %f +-+ */
OPENMAKE Opens the makefile for this project, if the string
‘Makefile: <name>’ is included in the start of the
OPENREF Opens a file referenced at the cursor, eg for
#include <fff.h>. Note that OPENREF takes care of
path element inversion, as in ‘fff.h’ => ‘h.fff’.
OPENCH Switches between C files and header files as follows:
If the file is named... OPENCH tries to open...
‘...c.yyy’ -> ‘...h.yyy’
‘...cpp.yyy’ -> ‘...h.yyy’ or ‘...hpp.yyy’
‘...c++.yyy’ -> ‘...h.yyy’ or ‘...h++.yyy’
‘...cc.yyy’ -> ‘...h.yyy’ or ‘...hh.yyy’
‘...h.yyy’ -> ‘...c.yyy’, ‘...cpp.yyy’,
‘...c++.yyy’ or ‘...cc.yyy’
‘...hpp.yyy’ -> ‘...cpp.yyy’
‘...h++.yyy’ -> ‘...c++.yyy’
‘...hh.yyy’ -> ‘...cc.yyy’
OPENOTHER Does either OPENREF, OPENMAKE or OPENCH, whichever is
most appropriate. OPENOTHER uses the path ‘ZapDWS:’ to
complete filenames. For example, if a reference is made
to ‘stdio.h’, then OPENOTHER/OPENREF will try to open
‘ZapDWS:h.stdio’. (As always, element inversion is taken
care of.) To make this system work, a line defining
ZapDWS$Path must be included in Zap's !Run file. See
CLOSETBTW Closes all throwback and task windows.
MODBRK Sets a breakpoint in a module, at the cursor address.
The module must be loaded into Zap using
Create.Get module.<modname>
and the filename must have remained unchanged. You must
be careful when using this command, because the computer
may crash if you set a breakpoint in a piece of code that
is used in IRQ mode. So: don't set breakpoints in the
UtilityModule unless you know what your doing :-)
In fact, MODBRK only works if the module in question
is in RMA. For ROM-based modules, you'd have to do a
*RMFaster before using MODBRK. This command is mainly
intended to be of use while debugging.
LINEEND Replaces all occurrences of CRLF, CR, LF, LFCR by the
correct return character (as set in the ‘Display->
Misc->Return char->’ submenu). This is particularly
useful when you've copied a text file from an MS-DOS
system, which uses CRLF instead of plain LF.
CRLF Exchanges CR <-> LF (Carriage returns with linefeeds).
This can be used to convert Mac style texts to Risc OS
style texts, or to convert spooled output (with LFCR)
to 'DOS style' text (CRLF) which can be converted to
ordinary Risc OS style texts by dragging them to the
Zap icon. This command has been written to replace
LINEEND where possible. It is *much* faster. CRLF can
not be undone using the UNDO command. It's action is
reversed by executing it again.
SETNAME Sets the name of a file from an in-core filename.
REVERT Reloads the current file from disc. This can be used in
two occasions: firstly if you have accidentally corrupted
your work and don't feel like pressing ‘Full undo’ a
million times. Secondly if an external program (such as
amu) has changed your file and you want to edit the
new version.
GOTOLINE Alternative for F5 (GOTO), using the minibuffer. Thus it can
be used through *Zap_Command. The (string) argument is either
a logical line number, or 'P' followed by a physical line
number. Example in Basic:
Also very useful for TeX users who don't have throwback at
their disposal.
If the argument is ‘!’ or the empty string, the system
variable ‘DWExt$LineNo’ is substituted.
GOTOADDR As GOTOLINE, but goes to an address. If the command opens a
minibuffer, an hexadecimal sign ('&') is typed in for you.
No system variable substitution is performed.
DDEFIND Searches for patterns in files, using ‘STARCOM "find -t
<args> >null:"’, ie calling the *-command ‘find’, producing
a throwback window (only).
In addition to the Zap commands, there is a single *-command:
*Zap_Command. This may be used to call Zap commands from an external
task. Its syntax is: *Zap_Command <filename> <commands>. The file is
loaded if it isn't already in memory. There may be more than one
command, separated by colons as in the ‘Keys’ file. See the example
Note that this command is currently in beta-release. It doesn't seem
to do terrible things, but sometimes the display update isn't very
nice, particularly when called from a task window.
I hope these commands may be of use to other people.
As I distribute ZapDWExt free of charge, I cannot take any
responsibility for any damage caused by using or the inability to use
it. In particular, I don't give any guarantee that it will leave your
texts intact. That said, I believe I've tested it rather thoroughly,
and to my knowledge, it is bug-free. There may be features, though :-)
If you do encounter any bugs, or unexpected behaviour, or if you have
any comments, please contact me:
Daniel Wagenaar
snail: Burmanstraat 32'
1091 SK Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel.: +31-(20)-4634883
e-mail: dwagenr@phys.uva.nl (preferred)
Any feedback is highly welcome!
ZapDWExt will only run under Risc OS 3, mainly because Risc OS 2 can't
complete pathnames. If anybody urgently wants to run ZapDWExt under
Risc OS 2, then I hope someone will have a replacement for
OS_FSControl with r0=37, or else I may have to write something...
I agree that the documentation for ZapDWExt is rather terse. This is
because it originally served only as a post-it note to myself, to
enable me to remember the commands... On popular demand I'll write
more extensive docs. Also, if you feel these commands lack
universality, and have an idea to improve them, do let me know.
1.22 Modifications by sja, 14/9/98 as listed above.
1.21 Bug fix release: A bug in ZapSoftWrap made me notice that Zap calls
return with R0 corrupted.
1.20 This version history starts here. Earlier versions had less commands,
and more bugs...